Saturday, August 30, 2008

Mother daughter UNO

Sara was surprised to realize that her sister and family came in for the long weekend to celebrate her birthday. After a day of shopping and swimming, the girls sat down for a friendly game of UNO. I should have known that they would all try to cheat!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Today is Alexa's first day of school. She was soooooooooo excited and glad that she is finally starting. She had no problem getting up this morning and got dressed in record time. We drove her to school today, but tomorrow she gets to go on the bus for the first time. Two firsts in two days. I'm sure she is having fun, but it is hard to see her growing so fast. Here are some pics from the big day!!!

A special Mother Daughter moment. Walking into school for the first day!

Now they know the camera is on them. Look at her smile. She is so excited. Mom...not so much. Alexa is just growing up too fast.

She already knows exactly where to go. She's leading us to the cafeteria.

Waiting to make new friends.

Oh look... a new friend.

I've got Hanna Montana...what do you have?

Lining up to walk to class.

Exploring with Playdoh on the first day. How fun!!!

OK, Mom and Dad. You can leave now. I'm making friends and playing.